Thursday, October 25, 2018

Romance & Melodrama #4

Image result for jane the virgin crazy ex girlfriend
            Constantly as a young girl I was told that eventually I would always get my happily ever after through some hope provided by the late-night teen dramas I was probably sneaking away from my parents. It just eventually became a natural thought and fate that one day I would find my prince charming. But I think that is what these shows both want to get away from. Take a look at these two main characters Jane and Rebecca both patiently waiting for the right one, little do they know that is not exactly what is coming around the corner. Being scared of losing your purity to needing to move across the country to be with the one leads the female leads to believe in the ever holy of idea of eternity with another person as it plays on their inner insecurities. All they want is that true love, but the stories are much more complicated than that because well you know its women’s television. Until we reach an older age of maturity and reality, it will probably be evident that love does not come easy. Society has told us all our lives that love will eventually come, but it can never be that simple. And people need to stop beating themselves up over it. Society identifies way too much with our sex life, when it really has no indications of one’s character – this is not something we as humans should be judged on, but we do not understand that due to this overarching fantasy idea of the all the romance and love that will be found once you exit puberty. These ladies soon realize life is not all that it may seem, but they have to navigate their lives around this newly chaotic lifestyle they both take on as their life quickly changes into a different direction (literally for Rebecca). We depend on  security of using our sex life as a way of meeting fulfillment in our romantic lives. That mean’s when the sex is believed to be good and happening frequently in a relationship, we may believe this is the epitome of what a romance and intimacy is supposed to be like. Or if there one partakes is some casual sex, they have been conditioned to believe there are considered a slut. Sex is not an indicator of romance. Love is not always a happily ever after. Both television shows, I believe use the insecurities in their main female characters to portray a deconstruction of the need for the fairy tale ending. Life is not all sunshine and rainbows and that is most definitely the case when it comes to trying to understand your romantic and sexual life. Television helped us believe in romance, but now I think they want to take it away from us. It is time for the new stories that are messy and real. The stories where the women pass the Bechdel test every time they are in conversation with one another. No more setting up little girls to think they have to follow a certain formula to achieve true love. Romance is a social construct, love is individual. We need to not let TV dictate how we view our own love life.

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